Nielsen’s TV Audience Measurement is a framework for measuring content and advertising across all formats and devices in this new media landscape. Nielsen’s framework delivers comparable and consistent metrics across content and advertising at audience access points.

The framework provides a more inclusive currency that enables clients to mobilise their businesses based on accurate measurement insights; it grants companies access to improved programme scheduling, allowing for more accurate planning required to achieve successful advertising campaigns. Consistent and comparable metrics empower marketers to optimise their cross-platform media mix in order to reach their audiences.

Within the TV Audience framework, Nielsen's clients understand who their audiences are, what their preferences are, and how they consume content.
The data will be hosted on Nielsen’s website

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is undergoing tremendous change and innovation, opening up its doors to the world. It is a testament to the importance of media within the country that progress in establishing best practice TV audience measurement is a core activity within the 2030 KSA Vision. TV audiences have always been sought after by advertisers in the region, and in today’s world, where audience behaviours around content are changing rapidly, it is the right time for the industry to bring robust TV measurement to Saudi Arabia.

This gold-standard data will bring a new understanding of Saudi’s dynamic population to marketers and broadcasters, creating new opportunities for advertisers and drive content engagement.
Nielsen will:
Measure Television and digital viewing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Merge all data into one consolidated report, centralising information in one place.
Provide overnight minute by minute TV viewing.
Enable electronic measurement with people meters.

Nielsen conducts an Establishment Survey to generate universe estimates used for panel design and weighting
Nielsen has set up a Panel design to ensure demographic representation of the defined universe.
The recruitment, Installation, and Management of 10,000 individuals are distributed across 24 cities.
The data will be hosted on Nielsen’s global data architecture, including the Nielsen Managed Data center in the UK and the Amazon based Cloud service.
24 Cities

Metering Technology
Nielsen utilises Nano People Meter and Nielsen Streaming Meter to offer the optimal metering technology designed to measure TV audiences on TV and digital devices in KSA. These latest generation solutions for single source panel-based measurement deliver enhanced functionality and increase efficiencies in both time and costs.
Nano People Meter
An “all-in-one” unobtrusive meter developed for the modern TV viewing environment. The meter is designed to appeal to panelists, for comprehensive audience measurement.
Nielsen Streaming Meter
A perfect companion to the Nano Meter, allowing passive monitoring of streaming activities via the home internet network on all devices in broadband homes.
Census Measurment
Nieslen is 100% committed to support the total measurement of video consumed through all types of streaming devices, delivering its Digital Census methodology based on Nielsen SDK. The key benefits of this solution include:
Measurement of all in-home and out-of-home streaming across all devices and platforms within the entire population
Easy integration into apps and websites
Custom variables to collect more metadata
Modern Production Platform
The International Total Audience Platform is the heart of Nielsen’s technological system, developed and maintained by Nielsen’s global support teams. It is utilised around the world in Nielsen’s most advanced markets and it is the foundation for the platform deployed for the MRC in KSA, supporting all collections, harmonisation, crediting, production, and audience analysis measurement data. It is a dynamic system undergoing continuous modernisation and one that has been developed extensively in response to global and local marketplace needs. The system is easy to audit, with quick report generation and historical information, and is scaled, with enhancements benefitting all users.
Most importantly, Nielsen’s Total Audience solution is GDPR compliant, adhering to some of the highest global standards for personal privacy. It also includes:
A fully automated end-to-end production system covering all aspects of audience measurement Unified system for managing both TV and Digital panels.
Streamlined code, with removal of redundancy and reduced data movement.
Exhaustive suite of quality control reports with interactive ‘drill down’ capability.
Parameter driven algorithms customizable for the KSA market.

Start in October 2021
Beta Data Launch up to 2,000 hh’s
April 2022
Go Live with a panel of 2,000 HHs
July 2022